Changes occuring in daily life

Concept Explanation

Changes occuring in daily life

Changes occuring in daily life:

In our daily life we see many changes occuring around us. These changes can be permanent or non reversible and temporary or reversible.

Some examples are: Child becomes man, Plant becomes tree, Seed becomes plant, Burning of paper, Shoes become old , Uniforms become old, Pencils become short, Boiling of water, Night becomes day, Hot becomes cold, Rusting of iron, Ripening of mangoes,  Earthquakes,  Accidents,  Summer season,  Fading of wall paint, Milk becoming curd, Stretching of a rubber band and Melting of ice.

Some of these changes are natural and not under the control of human beings.  For eg : Night becomes day. weather changes, Summer season etc.

Some other changes are man made. They occur due to human efforts such as cooking of food, burning of oil, weaving of clothes etc.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) The changes can be permanent or non reversible and temporary or reversible.

(b) The changes can be permanent or reversible and temporary or irreversible.

(c) Night becomes day is an example of natural change.

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Night becomes day is an natural change.

(b) Night becomes day is an man made change.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Which of the following process can be interrupted by humans ?

Right Option : B
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